The Multiple Benefits Associated with Neuro Linguistic Programming

The system of NLP, or Neuro Linguistic Programming, can be used for many things. It’s a method for reprogramming your mind, and it can help you overcome many problems, sell or persuade people or improve your relationships. Whether you learn NLP on your own or through a course, it can show you many new things about yourself and other people. Now let’s look at some ways that neurolinguistic programming can be beneficial for you.

Have you heard of anchoring? This is one of the basic tenants of NLP. In your mind, you need to "anchor" to separate ideas or images. When you think of Pavlov, the famous psychologist, who caused his dogs to salivate with a ringing bell, this is very similar. The dogs were able to anchor the bell’s sound and food together. This same principle also applies to humans, and we subconsciously anchor all kinds of things. The reason we feel afraid or have negative feelings is tied directly to this. Some people fall great distances, say from a tree, and then are unable to go near trees anymore. It is possible to replace the memory of that bad experience with trees with something new that is positive and more uplifting. People that master NLP, and anchoring, can use this method to help them. Neuro Linguistic Programming can teach you quite a lot about how you use your senses. It also shows us that most people use some of their senses more than others. The majority of people are primarily visual, auditory or kinesthetic, meaning they rely mostly on either sight, sound or touch. It’s possible, through observation, to tell which sight upon which a person is the most reliant. Knowing this can help you build a better rapport with someone. For example, the best way to tell a primarily visual person that you understand him is to tell him "I see." An auditory person will respond better to "I hear you."

It is possible to even increase your own senses when you study Neuro Linguistic Programming in detail. This is called sensory acuity and it deals with what our senses tell us and how aware we are of what we are being told. You don’t need to actually improve the physical quality of your senses to get more from them. The biggest issue is learning to actively pay attention to the messages your senses (however powerful or limited they may be) are sending to you in each moment. You might, for example, spend a day listening more carefully and identifying all of the sounds you hear. You’ll quickly see how many sounds you hear each day that you just don’t ever really give much mind to. This can help you be more clued in and alert to your surroundings.

Many people are surprised by just how many benefits they are able to gain with Neuro Linguistic Programming. Whether you want to use it to help you improve in one particular area, or to change your whole life, NLP can give you the tools to accomplish it. Start small, with what you’ve learned here and then work on your NLP as you need to.

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